© Image courtesy of Alan G Forsyth Photography

Representing South Cowal

South Cowal is a small but beautiful part of Argyll. The area stretches from the Bullwood, south of Dunoon to the tiny Clachan of Inverchaolain taking in the villages of Toward and Innellan.

Welcome to South Cowal Community Council Website. Our primary purpose is to ascertain, collate and express the views of the community and to make local authorities and other public bodies aware of the opinions, needs and preferences of the community.

We form the most local tier of statutory representation in Scotland. Local Councils were originally created by the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 and were intended to bridge the gap between local authorities. There are currently around 1160 active community councils in Scotland.

This website aims to give you information about the work that the Community Council is doing on behalf of South Cowal. But we really want to hear from you with your suggestions for improving the area, about issues, challenges, and about how your area is developing. We aim to provide a forum for all residents to express their views and to engage with and work with their local community. Everyone is welcome to attend meetings, whether it is to raise an issue or to become more involved within the community.

Please direct all communications to: Eleanor Stevenson, Convenor –

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